Light therapy has been shown in over 50 years of independent research worldwide to deliver powerful therapeutic benefits to living tissues and organisms. Both visible red, blue and ‘invisible’ infrared light effect at least 24 positive changes at the cellular level.
Light therapy causes biologic effects because different wave lengths are absorbed by specific proteins.Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are a form of light therapy that is relatively recent outgrowth of the laser industry.
LED disperses light (red, blue or infrared) over a greater surface area; this tends to result in shorter treatment times for a given area. Pulsed Light is the most profound, safe, non invasive way to ‘enlighten’ your cells.

Why Detox?
All of us take in minute amounts of poison every day. Much of the food we eat contains pesticides, herbicides, dyes, preservatives, flavourings, stabilizers, processing chemicals, artificial growth hormones, antibiotics and even tranquillisers (found in meat).
When the body is overloaded with these poisons, the detoxifying organs, such as the liver, kidney and skin, are compromised. When this happens, the immune system is weakened, other systems don’t function properly, and disease can occur.